“A man and his HOBBY-HORSE, tho’ I cannot say that they act and re-act exactly after the same manner in which the soul and body do upon each other: Yet doubtless there is a communication between them of some kind … so that if you are able to give but a clear description of the nature of the one, you may form a pretty exact notion of the genius and character of the other” –Laurence Sterne, The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

A series of brief dramas inspired by the curious distortions affecting the perceived passage of time during the COVID19 pandemic.

In which the Bohr model of atomic structure is demonstrated with the aid of certain simple concepts from Newtonian physics.

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A tabletop opera intended “to accept the challenge that objects offer to language” with nods to Francis Ponge, Marcel Duchamp, Rrose Selavy, Jan Svankmajer, and Michel Faraday.

The performer seems to be losing his marbles, but this is soon revealed to be a simple illusion.

An attempt to take Georg Perec’s advice to “questionner tes petites cuillers” to heart results in a short improvisation.