All workshops FREE but capacity limited
Bookings: info@audiograft.co.uk with the name of the workshop in the subject line
Mapping Workshop
Harriet Butler, Helen Frosi, Renzo Spiteri
All ages
Fusion Arts, FRI 15/03, 10-midday
What are maps and how do we use them? And how might we navigate a city using our ears? Join our Artists-in-Residence for a workshop that opens up the world of mapping to the eyes and ears.
For more information on our Artists-in-Residence and the work that was born from this collaboration go to the umbrella project Knowing Another is Endless.
DREAM SPACE: Recording Workshop
Magz Hall
OVADA, SAT 16/03, 2 – 4pm
Artist Magz Hall will be recording your dreams occurring during the run up to Brexit, to add to her bank of dreams for her ongoing Dream Space, which has been installed at the Jerwood Gallery, Nunnery Gallery and Whitstable Biennale. The installation was inspired by the early surrealist radio programme of Robert Desnos in 1937 produced La Clef des Songes [The Key of Dreams] the programme invited listeners to submit their dreams for interpretation and dramatisation, encouraging highly poetic responses from this interaction. Desnos wrote that an invented radio dream delivers the same secrets as a real one.
Magz Hall is a sound and radio artist who has exhibited in the UK and internationally: Yorkshire Sculpture Park, British Museum, Tate Britain, The Sainsbury Centre, Whitechapel Gallery, Barbican, V and A, Jerwood Visual Arts. Tree Radio at YSP was a finalist for British Composer Award in Sonic Art 2016. Magz heads Radio Arts having curated works for exhibition, broadcast. Much of her sound-based work is concerned with speculative futures of radio, inspired by 100 years of international radio art practice, drawing on her practice-based PhD ‘Radio After Radio: Redefining radio art in light of new media technology through expanded practice’ at UAL and is a senior lecturer at Canterbury Christ Church University. magzhall.wordpress.com
Writing with Sound
Tess Denman-Cleaver & Kate Liston
OVADA, SUN 17/03, 2 – 4pm
Artists Kate Liston & Tess Denman-Cleaver will lead a series of practical, performative writing activities that draw on poet Gertrude Stein’s ‘cultivated motor automatism’ exercises and musician and teacher François Delsarte’s taxonomy of naturalistic gestures. The workshop will introduce strategies for writing with, for and about sound that focus on the gestures of writing and listening.
Tess Denman-Cleaver’s work spans live performance, performance writing and publication, workshops and installation. Her recent work has been shown at Tate Britain, Hatton Gallery, Turner Contemporary, Tate St Ives, M_HKA Gallery Antwerp, Paul Melon Centre, Audiograft 2018 and Wilkinson Gallery. Tess is currently Artist in Residence at the Sonic Arts Research Unit (Oxford Brookes). tessdc.com
Kate Liston recently completed a practice-led PhD at Northumbria University titled Link Zone: an exploration of the sensation of knowledge through a practice of art and writing in which she exposes the inherent materiality of knowledge through sensual engagement with matter and grubby handling of ideas. kateliston.com